Radio Free Skaro #99 – Alas, Poor Ruprecht

More fake news and the continuation of our commentary for “Monster of Peladon” which, using our amazing ability to create nonsensical backstories to sustain interest, became a compelling after-school special about Ruprecht, the Special Needs Ice Warrior who just can’t get a break.

Direct download: rfs99.mp3

2 Comments on “Radio Free Skaro #99 – Alas, Poor Ruprecht

  1. Great job as usual, guys. Even when you don’t like the episode, it’s still apparent you are all true fans. I have listened to several of your commentaries without even trying to sync up my video. And don’t worry about those obscure references. We who listen do so *because* we get them! (it was, after all a giant, candy-like button that should never ever have been pressed under any circumstances in Christmas Invasion) And if we don’t, we find them. My husband and I watched Life on Mars this summer thanks to you.

    Can’t wait for next week!

  2. When I was a lad, I sat through “The (not a lot of the) Monster of Peladon”. The tedium was like jabbing a raw nerve with a salt cake. The horror, the horror chills me as I think on it now. I vowed never to go back to that travesty again. But when I saw the t-shirt for Ruprecht and that it was from podcasts #98 &#99, I knew that I would have to revisit this hell pit again. The pain and anxiety were worth it as I’ve not laughed so much since Steven’s wail for Shaun Dingwall. Maybe it was genuine laughter or perhaps it was the cackle of a mind finally cracked by the boredom generated by Queen Squiffy, Tom Baker’s anemic twin, and Jon Pertwee counting the days when he can appear on “Whodunnit”.

    Tomorrow, my therapist will be forced to pick up the pieces but I did it. To quote Jim Morrison, “Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.”

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